Simple and Sustainable Constipate to Save Cost and Time for Structure Constructions
The energy required producing the structural elements such as concrete, steel; wood, etc. have serious environmental and financial consequences. The energy analysis, therefore, must take into consideration the added cost of embodied energy, which is the energy consumed by all of the processes associated with the production of a building. Generally, highly processed material, the higher embodied energy is. Hence, concrete has the lowest re-use capability that makes it a less sustainable material. Thus, wisely, use construction material leads to avoid the use of materials that are associated with high-embodied energy. Moreover, choosing the optimal construction system is one of the elementary bases of sustainability through the possibility of recycling the materials used for building construction. This study presents guidance of the sustainable constipates based on the performance of building construction using masonry barring walls system against frame concrete structure system of residential buildings, Where finite element method was used to analyze the stresses on the masonry bearing walls, and structural analysis for the frame structure. Algebra calculation of the construction materials quantities, and known sources of embodied energy estimation. As a result, this comparison turns out that the masonry barring walls system procedure is offering good distribution of stresses, more economical, require lesser time to build, and highly recyclable, which making it more contributing to sustainability.

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