Study the Performance of Solar Water Heater with Various Loads
The performance of a certain type of solar heater was studied by install, assemble solar heater and the installation of different measuring devices, such as water flow meter and temperature meters for water inside, outside, and measuring the tempe rature of the atmosphere and a measure of the amount of solar radiation, all of these devices connected to a device that stores this data every 5 minutes In the form of averages or totals. The first tests were carried out by consumption of the water in the early morning (immediately after sunrise). In the second period, the consumption of water was at the end of the day (before sunset). The third period was at noon (midday) TRNSYS, a specialized program in simulating solar thermal processes, TRNSYS can used to connect thermal system components in any form, solving differential equations and facilitating the output of information. TRNSYS works to compensate the practical experience with a fully simulated theory that saves time and effort and gives us the desired results of the practical experiment. The program data is the solar heater characteristics of the experiment, the period to be tested and the amount of water to be consumed. The study explains that the best time to increase the amount of energy extracted the water must drained at the afternoon period.

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