Verification Of The Reserve Of Al-Hamada Oil Field V-Nc6 Area By Application Of Well Logs
The motivation behind this paper is to enrich and deepen our knowledge in the field of logging and log interpretation. The ultimate target is to have in situ assaying of a particular zone. In petroleum application this means determining the amount of oil and/ or gas that is contained in the formation. The Geological structure of V- NC6 area in AL-HAMADA oil field has been studied and volumetrically estimated in seeks of the amount of hydrocarbons in the structure. To achieve this, a bunch of well logging data from different wells in V-NC6 area have been reviewed, analyzed and interpreted. Physical properties of the reservoir have been measured which include porosity and water saturation by interpretation of SP log and Induction – Electrical logs. In situ porosity has been determined by applying the Archie’s equation on a real data from different resistivity tools. The average porosity of the multi pay zones structure was 14.23 % of the total volume of the reservoir 83336.3 acre ft. The second basic parameter which has been determined for in situ assaying is the saturation of the V- NC6 structure with water and hydrocarbons and they were 30% and 70% respectively. The V- NC6 area in AL-HAMADA oil field volumetrically occupied around 5.44 Million Stock tank barrels of oil.

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