Experimental Evaluation Of The Humans’ Health Hazards’ Potential Due To Exposure To The Microwaves’ Radiations In Garaboulli City-Libya
There is a high concern worldwide about the effects of the high level of energy of the transmitted electromagnetic radiations for the wireless communications on the humans’ health. So, the purpose of this study is to experimentally evaluate the human health safety related to the exposure to the highest energy of the transmitted microwave radiations (highest radiation risk) at the highest operating frequency 2450 MHz of all operating frequencies (850, 900, 950, 2450 MHz) within the range of 30 MHz-3GHz of the tested AL-MADAR mobile phone base station in the population area for the first time in Garaboulli City - Libya. The specific absorption rate (SAR) value is used as a measure of the rate of absorption of microwave radiation energy in the human tissues on the basis of exposing to the highest radiation risk which is considered as the worst case scenario. The SAR values are evaluated at predetermined distances (5, 40, 80, 120 and 160 meters) by using MATLAB program. The power density and the electric field measurements of the microwaves radiation of the antenna of the selected of AL-MADAR mobile phone base station, were experimentally measured by utilizing the spectrum analyzer devise (Spectrum HF-6065), in addition to the mass density and the medium conductivity values for the investigated human tissues (eye (Sclera), brain (Grey Matter), nerve and blood) at 2450 MHz frequency. The numerical results indicate that the highest SAR value is 205.4 ∗ 10 −6

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