Numerical Study of Magneto-Hydrothermal Along a Horizontal Concentric Annulus Deposited by a Ternary Hybrid Nanofluid Formed by Different Types and Shapes of Nanoparticles
Transport of Heat transfer phenomena related to magneto-hydrothermal for laminar flow forced convection have recently has become an important area of study because of their multi-thermal industrial applications such as electronics cooling, solar collectors, thermal exchangers, medical, and others. The current study aims to analyze the magneto-hydrothermal induced by imposed uniform heat flux at the external cylinder for laminar flow with the presence of three types (Fe2O3, CNT, and Gr) and shapes (spherical, cylindrical, and platelet) of nanoparticles inside a horizontal concentric cylindrical annulus. The partials conservations equations continuity, momentum, and energy with the appropriate boundary conditions are solved using ANSYS Fluent software. Single-phase approach is adopted. The originality of this study is to investigate the influence of the magnetic field. The effects of different Hartman numbers (Ha) for one Reynolds number (Re) and single volume fraction (ϕ) on the velocity and temperature profile are comprehensive detail. The results showed a dependence of the ternary hybrid nanofluid flow behavior on both the strength and direction of the magnetic field. The perpendicular position of the uniform magnetic field to the flow direction induces a notable alteration in both hydrodynamic and thermal distribution along the annulus.
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