Fluid Flow and MHD Forced Convection Heat Transfer Investigation of Ostwald De Waele Fluid Through Porous Microchannel in the Presence of the Lorentz Force


Chaib Khaled
Laboratoire de génie électrique et des plasmas (LGEP) University of Tiaret, Algeria
Mohamed ABDI
Laboratoire de génie électrique et des plasmas (LGEP) University of Tiaret, Algeria
Belhouari Abd Elkarim bekhtaoui
Laboratoire de génie électrique et des plasmas (LGEP) University of Tiaret, Algeria
Amina Ould Mohamed
Laboratoire de génie électrique et des plasmas (LGEP) University of Tiaret, Algeria


The present study devotes a special consideration to perceiving the effects of the slip flow, heater length, Darcy number, medium porosity, flow behaviour index, Hartmann numbers, and magnetic field inclination angle on the momentum and heat transfer characteristics via offering and discussing the different statistical quantities such as the local and average Nusselt numbers, velocity profiles, temperature profiles carefully. The present study concerns a steady-state laminar magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flow forced convection heat transfer inside a fully and partially filled microchannel. The parametric study indicates that the momentum characteristics and heat transfer mechanism strongly depend on the Knudsen number, heat source length, media porosity, flow behaviour index, and Hartmann number. The increased Knudsen number induces a pronounced increase in the axial velocity and a reduction in the shear rate at the wall, resulting in a noticeable decrease of the velocity in the microchannel centre and a marked increase of the axial velocity at the microchannel wall.

December 4, 2024