Incorporation of Bioantiseptics in Topical Antiseptic Crams Developed from Distilled Fatty Acids


DIDOUCHE Yasmina-Fadila
University M’Hamed Bougara of Boumerdes (UMBB), FS/ Materials, Processes and Environment (RU / MPE), Boumerdes- Algeria
University M’Hamed Bougara of BoumerdesFS/Laboratory of treatment and formatting of fibrous polymers


The goal of this study is to develop the formulation of Topical Antiseptic Creams (TACs), respectively with camphor and propolis as bioantiseptics. These TACs were formulated from Distilled Fatty Acids (DFAs), Soybean Oil (SO) and Palm Oil (PO). They were subjected to ISO Oleochemical Analyzes (OA) and supported by Spectral Methods (SMs), confirmed the concept of their formulations. Their Antimicrobial Activity (AA) reacted positively against Microbial Strains (MSs), suggesting that camphor TAC benefits from better AA, in favor of an alternative for improving the quality our healthcare.

December 4, 2024