Wind Potential Assessment of the El Dhaya Region- Sidi Belabbess
This work aims to assess the wind potential of the El Dhaya region located in the south of Sidi Belabbess North-West Algeria using three years of collected data (2020-2021-2022). The statistical analysis of the data confirms that the study region has significant wind potential with an average wind speed of 6.5m/s at 10m height, a power density of 383w/m² and Weibull parameters A= 6.9m/s K=1.65 from the South, and South-South-West (SSW) direction. Regarding the temporal analysis, it was found that the night times of the site are relatively calm and windier in June (8.13m/s) and November (10.3m/s). Then, three wind turbine technologies (Bonus 2MW, NEG-Micon 2000-500/72, Vestas V66 2MW) were simulated and compared using WindPro software to select the most suitable technology for the construction of 12MW wind farm Finally, after obtaining the desired energy production capacity, an economic analysis was carried out by the RETScreen software which confirmed the desired economic indices with an energy sales cost (COE) of $0.09/kWh.
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