Cultural identities in Marketing and Branding: Appreciation vs. Appropriation


Hoda Mohamed Aman
Department of Planning, Design, and Technology of Architecture, Sapienza, University of Rome


Cultural identities play a pivotal role in the realm of marketing and branding, serving as unique markers that distinguish individuals and communities. This research delves into the nuanced relationship between cultural appreciation and cultural appropriation in marketing, highlighting the potential benefits and pitfalls of each approach. Through a comprehensive analysis of existing literature and real-world case studies, this study illuminates how cultural identities are leveraged in brand development. The research underscores the ethical considerations surrounding the use of cultural identities, emphasizing the need for brands to navigate this landscape with sensitivity and respect. By understanding and appreciating the rich tapestry of cultural narratives, brands can foster genuine connections with a global audience, ensuring success and respect in the global marketplace.

September 20, 2024
Online ISSN