Certain Fractional (p, q)-Derivative Formula for the (p, q)-Analogue of Multivariable Prathima's I-function


Dinesh Kumar
Department of Applied Sciences, College of Agriculture-Jodhpur, Agriculture University Jodhpur, Jodhpur--342304 (Raj.)
Nidhi Sahni
Department of Mathematics, Sharda School of Basic Sciences and Research, Sharda University Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh--201310
Frederic Ayant
College Jean L'herminier, Allee des Nympheas, 83500 La Seyne-sur-Mer, FRANCE; 2411 Avenue Joseph Raynaud Le parc Fleuri, Bat. B., Six-Fours-les-Plages 83140, Department: VAR


In this paper, we introduce and define the (p, q) - analogue of the modified multivariable Prathima's I- function and we calculate the image of this function by the (p, q) - analogue derivative fractional operator. Several corollaries concerning the (p, q)-analogue of multivariable H-function, (p, q)-analogue of I-function of two variables, (p, q)-analogue of H-function of two variables, (p, q)-analogue of I-function of one variable, (p, q)-analogue of H-function of one variable are also given.

RAMSA 2024
February 29, 2024