A New Estimation of the Degree of Approximation of Functions Belonging to Lipschitz Class by Borel-Euler Summability Method of Fourier Series


Jitendra Kumar Kushwaha
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, DDU Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, 273009, U.P
Radha Vishwakarma
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, DDU Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, 273009, U.P


Product summability methods are widely used by several Researcher to find the degree of approximation of functions belonging to various classes. Recently researchers have used Borel-Euler Summability method of Fourier series. But they did not find the degree of approximation of functions by Borel-Euler product summability Method. In this paper, we have determined the degree of approximation of functions belonging to Lipschitz class by Borel-Euler (BE1) product summability method. In this area, we have introduced the product summability of Fourier using Borel-Euler summation method. The present Theorem extends, generalizes and improves many existing results on summability of Fourier series and also by using functions belongs to Lipschitz class. This results may be a motivation to other researchers to carry out the outcomes in the field of summability theory.

RAMSA 2024
February 29, 2024