Solar Roadways for Wireless Charging of Electric Vehicles
Since the most feasible mode of transportation is road transportation, it has significantly increased during the past few years. So, there is a rapid increase in energy consumption and oil dominates among the various energies. But due to the huge carbon emission, it contributes to air pollution and climate change. Due to the higher energy efficiency and less carbon emission, electricity is more preferred but there are limitations for this too. By shifting from conventional to electric vehicles, carbon emissions in the transportation sector can be reduced. Solar energy is the most widely used renewable energy source, and it can be used to produce electricity, power electric vehicles, and provide power for electric infrastructure. Consequently, using solar energy to power roads is a viable strategy for sustainable transportation. This solar powered road will charge the electric vehicle by a mechanism such that when the vehicle moves over the road, it will automatically charge. The solar panels will charge the battery, and this is inverted to the wireless coils mounted inside the roads which are the transmitter coils. It actually has two parts - transmitter part and receiver part. The transmitter part is the coils mounted inside the roads and the receiver coils are placed under the vehicle. Once the vehicle starts moving over the road, it will charge automatically.

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