Experimental Study on Properties of Self Compacting Concrete Blended with Palm Oil Fuel Ash
Low flow-resistance concrete known as self-compacting concrete (SCC) can be poured and compacted by its own weight without the aid of external vibration, bleeding, or segregation. It is less tolerant to abrupt changes in aggregate moisture content, chemical admixtures, and water content. POFA (Palm oil fuel ash), as an OPC replacement, provides an opportunity to reduce carbon footprints, enhance cost-saving, and mitigate and reduce waste materials in landfills. POFA in cementations materials, as an additive or partial substitute, to cut down on cement consumption globally. POFA can be utilized for the production of lightweight, durable, and cheap concrete because of its availability in significant quantities. SCC is a highly flowable and self-leveling concrete that can be easily placed and compacted without the need for vibration, due to the addition of POFA can improve the workability and flowability of SCC and make it easier to handle and place. Combining POFA and SCC has the potential to strengthen the connection between concrete paste and aggregates by adding strength as a result of pozzolanic reactions, which will increase the concrete's resilience. Since POFA is a waste material, it is often available at a lower cost than other materials used in concrete production, using POFA in SCC can help reduce the cost of construction projects while still maintaining the quality of the final product. As a result, this study explores the influence of POFA as an addictive substance in a range from 0% to 40%. Testing of fresh properties is done using the Slump, L-Box, and V-funnel methods. To determine the strength, compression tests were also performed.

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