Study on Mechanical Properties of Blended UHPC using Recycled Glass Powder and Sugar Cane Bagasse Ash
Ultra High Performance Concrete(UHPC)) is a special concrete known to have better strength, durability and performance than normal concrete. It combines fibre reinforced concrete, self-compacting concrete, and high performance concrete. It consists of ordinary Portland cement, supplementary cementitious materials, micro steel fibers, fine aggregates, water reducing superplasticizers and water. UHPC consumes double the amount of cement than normal concrete and is costly. Cement manufacturing is a major contributor of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas. Sugar cane Bagasse Ash is an agro waste obtained from burning sugar cane waste obtained after extracting its juice. Sugar cane Bagasse Ash has good pozzolanic properties. Recycled Glass Powder is obtained by grinding glass waste into fine powder and shows better strength in hardened state concrete. The addition of sugar cane bagasse ash and recycled glass powder as cement replacement materials showed an increase in strength of blended UHPC mixture. Blended UHPC was found to be cost effective than normal UHPC.

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