Contra (Ti, Tj)Z_α-continuous and Open mappings via (Ti, Tj)Z_α-Open sets in Bitopological Spaces


O Uma Maheswari
Department of Mathematics, J. J. College of Arts and Science (Autonomous), Pudukkottai
S. Yesurani
Department of Mathematics, Govt. Arts and Science College, Maruthonkon Viduthi, Pudukkottai


The aim of the paper is to introduce and study the notion of contra (Ti, Tj ) - continuous maps and contra (Ti, Tj ) - open maps via (Ti, Tj ) -open sets in Bitopological spaces. Some characterizations of these notions are discussed. Also, we characterize the connectedness between a few other open mappings that already exist and their corresponding closed mappings.

October 19, 2023