Net-zero Energy Retrofit of an Existing Commercial Building in Temperate Climate Zone of India


Aaliya Azeem
Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
Albert Thomas
Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay


Buildings being responsible for a considerable amount of worldwide energy usage, and that too mainly in the form of electricity and space cooling. This study targets to integrate efficient building envelope materials and energy systems to reduce the building energy consumption significantly based on tropical climate context. The paper aims in retrofitting an office building in Bangalore, India into a nearly -zero energy building by roof-top PV installation. Design.builder integrated.with Energy-plus simulation software is used to accomplish the energy simulations. A three-storey commercial building was analysed using simulations in Indian temperate climate zone, where space cooling is required. This study proposes net-zero energy retrofit guidelines for existing small sized, low-rise commercial buildings in temperate climate zone of India.

September 15, 2023
Online ISSN