Numerical Analysis of PVC Foam-filled Honeycomb Hybrid Core Sandwich Wall Panels with Aluminium Face Sheets
In this study, a numerical analysis of PVC foam-filled honeycomb hybrid core sandwich wall panels with aluminium face sheets was done. The effect of core thickness, skin thickness, and honeycomb cell size were investigated. The panel combinations of varying core thicknesses of 40 mm, 50 mm, and 60 mm, skin thicknesses of 2.4 mm, 2.6 mm, and 2.8 mm, and honeycomb cell sizes of 40 mm, 60 mm, and 80 mm were analyzed using ANSYS workbench. The panels under both axial loading and eccentric loading were done. The load-carrying capacity of sandwich wall panels under axial load is almost 3 times higher than that under eccentric loading. It was found that the load-carrying capacity of panels increased with the increase in core thickness and skin thickness. Also, the core shear stresses, skin stresses, and total deformations decreased. The panel is compared with a panel without PVC foam. It was observed that the load-carrying capacity of the panel with PVC foam is double of the panel without PVC foam. When the sandwich wall panel of cell size increases from 40 mm to 60 mm, the load‑carrying capacity is reduced by one-third.

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