Fresh and Hardened Properties of Earth Concrete
The building sector is expanding daily on a global scale with several environmental problems. The implementation of sustainable methods in the sector is also becoming more relevant at the same time. Concrete is one of the most abundantly used building material, which is made up of fine and coarse aggregate held in place by cement paste. In the present study, soil is used as fine aggregate. Cement, soil and coarse aggregate are used in the proportion 1:0.85:3.60 to prepare the earth concrete. The study focuses on investigating the properties of the earth concrete in its fresh and hardened states. Workability, pulse velocity, and compressive strength are assessed to determine the performance of earth concrete. The effect of dosage of superplasticizer on the properties on earth concrete at fresh and hardened states is also studied. The findings shows that earth concrete is capable of achieving various relevant materialistic properties comparable to that of ordinary concrete and could replace normal concrete in certain applications.

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