Proactive Approach to Assess Road Safety Audit on Collector Roads
It is important to ensure the safety on collector roads, as most of the safety audits are done mainly on highways and expressways, but as a result of the increasing number of vehicles in this scenario, and to avoid the queuing and congestion and to reach the destination in least time through easy route, most of the drivers nowadays choose these collector roads. But the implement of improvement programs on these roads are difficult due to the limitations on funding, expertise, time, and less availability of land. So, the better option for supporting the local transportation agencies about the safety issues is by conducting RSA. Through proactive approach, this project give rise to simple and cost-effective way of conducting the local RSA program. The study area was examined to analyse the existing condition of the road with reference to IRC manuals then based on observation certain ratings were provided and then given to experts to receive their judgements and it is analyzed by Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) in identifying the parameters which causes more road safety risk. The five parameters considered here are sight distance, drainage, signs and markings, cross sections, lighting and nighttime issues. As a result, this study prioritizes the parameters which need to give more importance at the time of design which is expected to be useful to various decision makers.

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