Armamentarium Phantasmagoria


Johnathan J Marquis
Autodidact Ideonomist, New Haven, CT


Purpose – This author will argue for the establishment of a formalised area of study and science centered around the objective, observable phenomena of ideas and ideation and the creation of a formalised Armamentarium (guide, toolkit and practicum) to serve as the foundation for such a science and practice.

Methodology – What would someone who practices and studies ideas and ideation need to conduct work around such concepts? This question is the core of creating a science of ideas. Previous attempts at creating such a science will be discussed. Observations shall be made pertaining to common themes and patterns that can be observed about ideas. The Idom Hypothesis will be introduced, alongside avenues of experimentation. Current technologies and techniques will be considered on the merits of relatedness and usefulness in researching, understanding and working with ideas and ideation as both a micro and macro phenomenon. By extension, significant consideration will be given to how ideas relate to physics and how one might study them non-anthropocentrically. Connections will be made across disciplines, as ideas permeate them all. By making such connections one can state the goals needed to connect the world’s scholarly pursuits into one large interdisciplinary science, with ‘the study of ideas’ as the binding agent. This author contends that with a formalised debate and framework Ideonomy  would not only be practically possible, but inevitable.

Value – Ideas are an integral part of all intelligent pursuits. Being able to understand their properties, limits and dynamics furthers the greater need for creative solutions in our sciences, technologies, and social systems which garner more complex problems. All professions require more flexible and creative thinking in the context of their work. The advent of technologies like artificial intelligence, augmented reality, virtual reality, and mixed reality finds these tools in need of application. Their very nature is based around  creative potential. Ideonomy and a common ideonomic literacy would inform the average individual and the professional practitioner on how to create new ideas and track old ones. For sciences that often have difficulty translating their concepts to one another, it would be used as a medium for avoiding linguistic traps. Ideonomy would inform on how rigidity of language leads to assumptions of fact. It would create the tools for representing ideas better and for understanding why some worked and others did not. It would inform how time affects ideas. An armamentarium for Ideonomy would give us the knowledge needed for the world, work, and problems of the near future. It would help prepare us for the professions that have yet to be invented.

December 18, 2023
Online ISSN