Chapter 7: Conclusion
The very title of the research work “FOREST ADMINISTRATION IN SOUTH ODISHA UNDER THE BRITISH RAJ (AD 1858 – 1947): A STUDY” as it is apparent, has four distinct attributes viz. a geographical region namely south Odisha, a historical timeline of British Raj, a tangible aspect called the Forest and contemplation of a specific subject of its administration as pursued by the then British Government provincially sitting at Madras Presidency. The broad sub-factors corresponding to the above attributes are the human, economic, political and environmental features which are considered as inalienable to the subject matter. The nomenclature ‘South Odisha’ as it has been outlined here, referred to the erstwhile undivided districts of Gañjām and Korāput in its entirety including the G. Udayagiri and Bālligudā area of Phulbāni district in the state of Odisha. From cartographic point of view the area has a special identity as the threshold from where the acute geographical features of the subcontinental decan plateau have been truly unleashed. That area had been named as the ‘Northern Circārs’ as it was encompassing the northernmost frontier region of the Madras Presidency. The time factor of the study has very special importance from different angles during which the legal base on almost all the subjects of administration of the nation were instituted by the colonial government which have more or less been continued with the same structure until now.

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