Innovation Development of Desapolitan ASTP Jimbung-Bayat Purba


Department of Environmental Geography, Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Rika Fatimah
Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Andhika Puspito Nugroho
Department of Tropical Biology, Faculty of Biology Universitas Gadjah Mada


Bayat District has a vast potential for development if supported by adequate resources. The potential that can be developed is mainly related to tourism with the Desapolitan Agro Science Techno Park (ASTP) concept. Jimbung Village, located in the Krakitan District, is the focus area for assisted village activities. In general, this assisted village activity aims to implement, develop and innovate community empowerment in realizing self-sufficiency and community welfare based on innovation in developing community potential so that it can develop and optimize resources. The approach in community empowerment activities is adopted from various empowerment concepts such as Focus Group Discussion (FGD), Quadruple Helix Model, and G2R Tetrapreneur Model. Performance assessment indicators were set from Identification of Potential and Problems of Desapolitan, FGD, training and mentoring, observation and identification, evaluation, and introduction of Agro Science Techno Park Desapolitan Jimbung.

October 10, 2023
Online ISSN