Difference of Rutin Content in the Leaf of Male and Female Carica papaya Linn. using Microwave Assisted Extractive (MAE) Method
The extraction of rutin from the leaf of male and female Carica papaya Linn. was conducted using Microwave Assisted Extractive (MAE) method. Box Behnken Design (BBD) was selected to design the experiment in order to achieve the objective of this paper. Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was chosen to monitor the relationship between extraction parameters and response. Parameters involved in this study were irradiation time, min (), ethanol concentration, % (), S/L ratio of papaya leaf/ethanol, wt./wt. (), and particle size, µm (). By using BBD and RSM, second order polynomial models were developed to calculate rutin yields based on conditions provided. High coefficient of determination (R2) and adj-R2 acquired indicating high accuracy of the models generated to calculate relative responses based on parameters inputted. Insignificant lack-of-fit at p > 0.05 further point to the high precision of the models. Extraction parameters were optimized with the goal of extracting highest yields of rutin under the most optimal conditions before comparing the result of male and female leaf. Higher concentration of rutin was observed to be extracted from 1 gram of female leaf compared to male leaf. As a conclusion, female leaf was determined to contain higher concentration of rutin for its reproductive effort.

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