Lifestyle as a Holistic Path to the Future


Cristina Staub
Swiss Group of Physiotherapy in Mental Health (SAG PPP), Pro Dormo, Switzerland



There exist various healthy lifestyle concepts, including recommendations on physical activity, consumption, sleep and the environment.

Research review until April 2022: Health parameters are measured through subjective (e.g. quality of life questionnaires), and objective (e.g. blood pressure, body mass index, apnea-hypopnoea index) data.

The studies show how behavior can promote (mental) health. WHO guidelines exist for physical activity in order to reduce sedentary behavior and inactivity [1]. Regarding consumption, it is crucial that healthy foods are preferred, and that harmful substances are avoided [2,3,4,5,6]. Paying attention to the neurophysiological mechanisms of sleep regulation leads to a more restorative sleep [7,8]. Environmental factors such as noise, poor air quality, extremely hot or cold temperatures and light pollution are also to be considered [9]. Complex studies involve changes in several lifestyle parameters at the same time [10,11].

(Mental) health can be optimized if several parameters are included in a healthy lifestyle. Considering several factors reinforces resilience and salutogenesis. These factors unify body and mind in a holistic approach.

November 30, 2022