Pharmaco-Chemical Perspective of COVID-19: A Meta Analysis


Vivek Kumar
Department of Pharmacy, LR Institute of Pharmacy, Jabli-Kyar, Solan (HP)-India
Priya Thakur
LR Institute of Pharmacy, Jabli kyar Oachghat, Solan H.P 173223, INDIA
Daiwakshi Shandil
Department of Pharmacy, LR Institute of Pharmacy, Jabli-Kyar, Solan (HP)-India


Chemistry plays a vital role in understanding the basic structure of corona virus to the development of chemical preventives measures to overcome its effects. The drugs used in the prevention and treatment of corona virus too act by the chemical means. In this regard, it becomes essential to understand the various pharmaco-chemical perspectives involved in the medication against Covid-19. In the present scenario soap water, sanitizers and disinfectants are the only available option in the arsenal to fight against the Covid-19, till the rationalized therapy is being available. The first antiviral medicine Remdesivir approved by FDA also acts by the chemical means and stops the covid-19 virus from spreading in the body and causing severe infection. An International controlled trial over 1063 patients also suggested that patients on this drug therapy recover 31% faster in comparison to patients receiving placebo. Also, the sanitizers and disinfectants like sodium hypochlorite also act by the chemical means. In the present study, the chemical nature of the Covid -19 virus is studied through the literature available on the various platforms like Google Scholars, Medline, and Research Gate etc. Through these available platforms pharma based chemistry of available chemical and drugs are being collected. The aim of the study is to co-relate the chemistry of drugs with that of the diseases so that the advanced drugs can be produced to prevent the future generation from this pandemic.

February 1, 2023