Post-COVID Effect of Psychological Stress on People Worldwide
The present physical reach of the COVID-19 epidemic in the population will very certainly have long-term socioeconomic and psychological consequences worldwide. The rapid rise in anxiety among individuals as a result of the disease's unknown nature is accompanied by necessary but socially disruptive measures such as lockdowns and quarantines. Post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, panic disorders, behavioural problems, are among the psychological and psychiatric diseases that might result. Psychological stress may affect immunity and disrupt the gut microbiome which also causes the symptoms of other diseases like inflammatory bowel disease. There is a strong connection between psychological stress and IBD. There are risk factors that mostly affect the people during the pandemic situation like financial insecurity, loneliness, staying away from the family, and incomplete information. Healthcare workers have a high risk of showing PTSD symptoms and related problems. Many synthetic and herbal treatments were also discovered to diagnose, prevent, and cure this unknown covid-19 symptom. The aim of this paper is to review the people who faced psychological stress and related disease.
Methods: The content of this paper is taken from different sites like Google scholar, Scopus, PubMed, and science direct.
Results: With the overlapping peripheral and central immune dysregulation in both conditions, we believe that chronic stress should be considered a significant risk factor for significant COVID-19 related health outcomes.
Conclusion: Many actions have been taken to get rid of covid-19 for anxious people, including meditations, tele-counselling, virtual connection, and conducting research and development to utilize suitable interventions.

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