African American Nurse’s Hesitancy to Obtain COVID-19 Vaccinations


Pier A. Broadnax
University of the District of Columbia


It has been over a year since the first laboratory-confirmed case of the Coronavirus -19 disease (COVID-19) was detected in the United States. Since then, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation, there have been over 31, 023,000 citizens diagnosed with the disease, resulting in over 560,315 deaths. Although the rate of citizens being diagnosed with the virus as well as the number of deaths has slowed down since the use of the vaccine, there are still concerns regarding sections of communities and various minority groups who are resistant to obtaining the vaccines. Vaccines first became available in November 2020 in response to this pandemic, but distribution issues and problems with compliance soon became evident and demonstrated an extreme gap in health disparities. As of March 31, 2021, the Kaiser Family Foundation reported that in the District of Columbia, African Americans (AA) make up 46% of the population but 45% of the infected cases as compared to whites who make up 31% of the population but only 26% of the infected cases. Anecdotally, it has been reported that AA nurses are hesitant to obtain the COVID-19 vaccine for a variety of reasons, including fear and mistrust of the medical community. The purpose of this pilot study was to survey a small group of AA nurses to refine a tool that will be used to obtain information on factors contributing to their hesitancy to obtain the COVID-19 vaccination. A secondary purpose is to create educational tools that would be effective in developing messages targeting the concerns of African American nurses.

UDC Faculty Senate
September 8, 2022
Online ISSN