Technical Developments Related to Deep Cement Mixing Method in Hong Kong
In recent years, deep cement mixing (DCM) method, a non-dredged ground improvement technique, has been adopted in several local large-scale reclamation works. It is also a robust ground improvement solution and can expedite land formation. Currently, design and construction methods adopted in Hong Kong are mostly referred to the practice or guidelines developed in other countries. With more local experience gained and in view of the potential application in possible coming mega development projects which involve reclamation and ground treatment works, it is considered worthwhile and timely to conduct more detailed studies to understand the engineering properties of the materials improved by this technique and to harness the design and construction practice, with a view to enhancing the cost effectiveness of DCM works. This paper briefly introduces some on-going research related to DCM method covering several design and construction aspects including engineering properties, ground investigation and laboratory testing using laboratory mixed and field mixed cores. The objectives, potential application and preliminary results of the studies are presented and discussed in the paper.

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