Parental Perception of Physical Activity & Temperament of Pre-schoolers During Covid-19 Pandemic: A Cross Sectional Survey


Marwaha Ravinder Kaur
MAEER’S Physiotherapy College Talegaon Db.


Background: The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic is a global threat and a health emergency. During this pandemic, due to prolonged school closures and home confinement, children are entirely reliant on their parents now, to meet all their developmental needs which is impacting children’s’ and adolescent’s lifestyle behavior such as physical activity & sedentary behavior which may further affect their physical and mental health. Early childhood (especially preschoolers of age group 3-5 year of age) is critical for social, emotional & Physical development. Under the current pandemic context access to these opportunities will likely be severely restricted which may compromise their development.

Purpose: To study the parental perception of Physical activity & Temperament of pre-schoolers during covid-19 pandemic.

Method: 111 Pre-Schoolers of 3-5yr (4.06+0.82) age group whose Parents were recruited in the study according to the inclusion & Exclusion criteria. Physical Activity questionnaire: categorization into sedentary, light, moderate, vigorous intensity activities (min/hr) & Colorado Childhood Temperament Inventory questionnaires were filled by the Pre-schooler’s parents via Google Form and responses are submitted online. Data was collected & analysed according to descriptive statistics.

Result: Sociability (12.36+1.95), Emotionality (16.69+ 3.96), Activity (19.73+ 3.0), Attention span (12.41+2.67), Reaction to Food (14.92+4.29), Soothability (16.6+4.0). Time spent in (min/hr) Sedentary (111.08+112.5), Light intensity activities (24.45+10.0), Moderate Intensity Activities (47.43+16.3), Vigorous Intensity activities (25.0+8.1). Parents has Perception for light (37.5%), moderate (50%) & Vigorous activities (12.5%)

Conclusion: Pre-Schoolers were less sociable & less attentive during Covid-19 pandemic. As per Recommended Guidelines; Total Time spent in physical activity by pre-schoolers was less (1hr 35 min) and Time spent in sedentary level of activity was more (2hrs) during Covid-19 Pandemic.

August 19, 2022