Influence of Socioeconomic Status, Occupation and Presence of Stress on Physical Activity and Kinesiophobia in Female Patients with Osteoarthritis of Knee: An Observational Study
Introduction: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic degenerative disease. It has been stated globally, that, Knee OA is the 4th most significant cause of incapability in women. OA is more commonly seen in females due to lower estrogen level, lower volume of cartilage. It has been observed that pain and functioning is affected by many other factors apart from biomechanical factors alone.
Objective: To find the influence of socioeconomic status, occupation and stress on kinesiophobia and physical activity in female patients with knee Osteoarthritis.
Methods: 77 Patients from different socioeconomic strata who were attending physiotherapy OPD in various hospitals and community were included. After taking consent from patients their SES was assessed by using Kuppuswamy scale, stress was measured by using perceived stress scale, Physical activity was measured by using lower extremity functional scale, kinesiophobia was measured by using TAMPA scale.
Results: In the current study in the current study āpā value found to be non-significant. However, an interpretation of clinical research outcomes should not be based solely on presence or absence of statistically significant differences. The r value[0.20] demonstrates a weak positive correlation between SES and physical activity. The r value [0.012] demonstrates no correlation between SES and kinesiophobia. The r value [0.117] demonstrates that occupation and physical activity there is weak positive correlation. r value [-0.068] demonstrates negative correlation between occupation and kinesiophibia. The r value [-0.297] demonstrates a negative correlation between stress and physical activity. The r value [0.154] demonstrates a weak positive correlation between stress and kinesiophobia.
Conclusion: In conclusion high level of stress leads to reduced physical activity and increased kinesiophobia. Also, better SES is associated with better physical activity. Contextual factors like stress and SES should be taken as a part of rehabilitation program in OA knee patients.

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