Efficacy of Balance Training on Fall in Parkinson’s
Background: Postural instability is one of the cardinal signs in Parkinson’s disease which can lead to fall in Parkinson’s patients; therefore, there is need of balance training programme in Parkinson’s patient Aim of the study was to find out the effects of balance training on fall in Parkinson’s disease.
Methodology: Parkinson’s patients (n=60) of grade 1, 2, and 3 according to Hoehn and Yahr classification between age group of 50-85 years. Pre post experimental study design was selected in which 2 groups were made experimental and control group each (n=30). Individuals were assessed with, TUG, and Modified Falls efficacy Scale pre, 2ndweek and post.
Results: Using repeated measures ANOVA comparison between Pre, 2nd week and post intervention values were compared in between experimental and control group. It was found that experimental group values of pre, 2ndweek and post intervention of Fullerton Advance Balance Scale p (0.0001) TUG p (0.0001) Modified falls Efficacy Scale - getting in/out of the bed p (0.0001) are extremely significant. For control group values of pre, 2ndweek and post intervention of Fullerton Advance Balance Scale p (0.9884) TUG p (0.0533) Modified falls Efficacy Scale value for - getting in/out of the bed activity values obtained p (0.9840) are not significant.
Conclusion: The study shows that balance training was effective to reduce risk of fall in Parkinson’s patient.

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