To Develop and Implement a Competency Based Module (CBM) in Movement Dysfunction of Shoulder Complex to Effectively Plan Physiotherapy Intervention in Final Year Physiotherapy Students
Background And Purpose: Physiotherapy treatment for Movement dysfunction of shoulder complex requires various competencies like knowledge, skills and attitudes. Physiotherapy diagnosis is identifying movement system impairment and give targeted treatment approaches to effectively plan physiotherapy intervention. This competency module will enable final year students to become competent and confident in assessment and management of movement dysfunction of shoulder complex.
Methodology: Competency based module was developed with the help of faculty. Identification of competencies. Content identification and program organization was designed. Assessment method like written tests Multiple choice question (M.C.Q-20 marks) and Case scenario (15 marks) and skills assessment through Objective Structured Clinical Evaluation (5 station O.S.C.E-10 marks each i.e., 50 marks) were planned at base line and after completion of module. Gain in knowledge, skills, self-efficacy (confidence) was evaluated before and after implementation of module and student feedback was taken after completion.
Results: The results showed statistical significant results in comparison of pre and post-tests scores of M.C.Q (8.82±2.15 and14.70±2.80), i.e. gain in knowledge; Clinical scenario (4.73±1.44 and10.85±1.17), i.e. gain in clinical decision skills and Multistation 5 OSCE (5.05± 1.90 and 7.23±1.13); (5.05±1.90 and 7.39±0.95); (5.05±1.90 and 7.74±1.02); (2.85±0.79 and 8.18±1.50); (1.14±0.95 and 8.08±1.39), i.e. specific skills. These modules lead to improvement in self-efficacy (confidence) and positive feedback from students about training and implementation of module.
Conclusion: The shoulder competency module enhanced knowledge, clinical skills and gained confidence in final year students in assessment and treatment of Movement dysfunction of shoulder complex.

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