Cognitive Impairment in Elderly: A Post Covid 19 Sequelae
Background: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) also affects Nervous system. This eventually leads to cognitive impairment in about 29.9% individuals, Mild cognitive impairment in 8.9% and Dementia in about 6.8% individuals in research done previously. Thus, this study was undertaken to investigate the Cognitive impairment in elderly post COVID 19.
Material And Methods: In this study we assessed 30 elderly individuals who survived from COVID 19 with an age group of more than 60 years of age. We used TICS (Telephonic Interview for Cognitive Status) scale to find the level of cognitive impairment in elderly individuals.
Results: According to the TICS scale, 37% elderly are normal, 7% are cognitively impaired, 20% have MICF (Mild impairment in cognitive functioning) and 36% have dementia.
Conclusion: Hence, the study concluded that there is evidence of cognitive impairment in elderly post COVID 19.

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