Knowledge, Attitude and Barriers of Indian Physical Therapists Regarding Patient Reported Outcome Measures
Background: Physical therapists (PTs) use questionnaires, standardized outcome measures for diagnostic, prognostic and evaluative purposes. Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) are defined as “any report of the status of patient’s health condition that comes directly from the patient without interpretation of the patient’s response by a clinician or anyone else.” Until now research has been focused on and supports clinical effectiveness in terms of economic costs and diagnostic accuracy, with little emphasis on patient-centered outcomes this despite the recognition and importance of gaining the patient’s perspective on healthcare and augmented collection of PROMs.
Procedure: We developed a self-report questionnaire that was patterned to explore respondents’ knowledge, attitudes and barriers about PROMs. To evaluate content validity, a draft of the questionnaire was presented to a sample of 10 experienced PTs from varying specialties. Slight modifications were made based on their feedback and a final questionnaire was drafted. Before collecting data, a pilot study was done with 10 participants to know the understanding of the questionnaire responses. Following this the questionnaire was drafted via Google form to known PTs and were requested to pass on their known ones (Snowball Sampling).
Results: After getting response of 83 Physical Therapists, domain-wise analysis was done, using percentage formula. Respondents stated that they had Knowledge regarding PROMs. They agree that PROMs provide a Patient centered approach (98%), helps patient to be pro-active in rehabilitation (98%). Respondents held positive Attitude regarding PROMs, they agreed or strongly agreed that PROMs are necessary (87%), they wish to use more PROMs (74%). PTs had significant Barriers; PROMs have language restriction (74%); PROMs are lengthy (40%).
Conclusion: PTs have Knowledge regarding PROMs, they generally have a positive attitude towards PROMs with an Interest to use them daily. Lack of Indian context specific PROMs is an important Barrier to using PROMs.

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