Correlation of Balance and Ankle Strength with Sitting and Rising Test (SRT) in 60 to 75 Years Age Group: A Cross Sectional Study
Introduction: Physical activity is well known to be beneficial for the prevention of age –related diseases development. Further physical activity is important in population with existing chronic health condition. (ACSM) recommends that adult should maintain a physically active life style to promote and maintain good health. In our daily activities sitting and rising from the floor is a basic functional task required for independence. Sitting and rising demands appropriate level of muscle strength and power, joint co-ordination, balance and flexibility. The SRT can be simple screening procedure in which a low score largely reflects the degree of impairment in the components of physical fitness mainly those indicating a reduction in muscle strength and joint flexibility.
Method: Ethical committee approval was obtained from IEC. A cross-sectional study was done. Inclusion criteria was healthy individuals between 60 to 75 years from both the genders. Individuals having any neurological impairments, recent abdominal or lower limb surgeries ,lower extremity trauma like fracture , disabled was excluded from the study. SRT was performed and Balance was assessed by Y-balance test, Ankle strength was assessed by Jamar hand held dynamometer.
Result: There is moderate correlation between SRT and Y – balance test in anterior, posteromedial, posterolateral, direction also there is moderate correlation between SRT and ankle strength because sitting and rising from floor without using hands and without swaying and losing balance requires good ankle strength and balance. Present study supports the finding that good ankle strength and balance improves the SRT score.
Conclusion: There is moderate correlation between SRT and Y – balance test, SRT and ankle strength.

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