Prevalence of Cervicogenic Headache in Computer Users
Background: Cervicogenic headache is a syndrome characterized by chronic hemicranial pain that is referred to the head from either bony structures or soft tissues of the neck. The features which distinguish the CGH from other headaches are side locking pain, pain aggravated on applying pressure on neck muscles and movement of head. Work related neck problems, are nowadays commonly seen with intense computer users. Cervical pain is multi-factorial cause especially in office workers due to sitting for long time with less rest time, inactivity, poor postural control and increase stresses during the work physically, mentally and psychologically It is important to know the dimension and characteristics of CGH in computer users to understand it is and how it happen, to increase awareness, to design interventions and to improve educational programs .This prevalence study will act as a base for further interventional studies to treat CGH in computer users.
Method: Ethical approval had taken. An online questionnaire form according to the criteria given by International Headache Society ICHD -3 and Biondi Checklist for cervicogenic headache had been formed and is being circulated among computer users.
Result: In this observational ,104 computer users between age group of 18-40 years were included which consist of 56.9% male and 43.1% female. According to criteria given by International Headache Society ICHD -3 and Biondi Checklist for CGH 28% users have CGH
Conclusion: It has been recognised that cervicogenic pain is common complain of computer users in the age group of 18-40 years. On the basis of result it can be concluded that 28% computers users have cervicogenic headache.

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