Isolation and Biochemical Characterization of Cellulase Producing Goat Rumen Bacteria
Cellulose is the most prevalent polymer on the planet and has long been utilized for a variety of industrial applications. The study's goal was to screen and isolate cellulase-producing bacteria from the rumen of a goat collected from different location of Dinajpur district. To do so, rumen content samples from two distinct goats were collected. In this investigation, rumen cellulase-producing bacteria were isolated and characterized after serial dilution of five isolates up to six fold and inoculation into Nutrient agar. Following that, all of the isolates were underwent Methyl Red (MR) test & Voges-Proskauer (VP) test to identify organism’s metabolic pathway, Triple Sugar Iron Agar (TSI) Test to determine bacterial ability to utilize sugar, Motility Indole and Urease activity test (MIU) to determine motility, Urease utilization and can produce Indole or not, Citrate utilization test to utilize citrate as carbon and energy source, Oxidase test, Catalase test to check the presence of catalytic enzyme. The result revealed the colonial characterization of bacteria and also where proven all five isolates are promising enough and superior in quality to produce cellulose.

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