Feasibility Study of Solar Irrigation System in Rural Areas of Pirgacha Upazila of Rangpur District, Bangladesh
In this present work, possibility of using solar irrigation system in remote areas of Bangladesh have been studied. In this regard, Itakumari, Pirgacha Upazila of Rangpur District has been selected as the area of study. For primary data, survey among people of Itakumari, two field visits (Ramchandrapur of Kawnia upazila and Jaigir of Mithapukur upazila), underground water-level related information from BADC and market study of solar system are taken into account. Considering three irrigation seasons per year and all necessary costs, installation cost of solar irrigation system is calculated and compared with that of diesel pump system and electric pump system to find the payback period. It has been seen that, whatever is the amount of land, payback period is almost double for solar pump system with battery compared to without battery. Beside this, to water 35 decimal arable land by solar pump with battery, it would take almost five years for full return of installation cost. This study shall help policy makers to choose the best criteria in order to implement solar irrigation system in rural regions of Bangladesh.

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