Optimized Search Functionality with Linear Search Algorithm


Md. Emran Hossain
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, World University of Bangladesh, 17 Uttara, Dhaka 1230
Syed Bayazid Hossain
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, World University of Bangladesh, 17 Uttara, Dhaka 1230
Md. Sha Alam Tutul
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, World University of Bangladesh, 17 Uttara, Dhaka 1230
Shamsun Nahar
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, World University of Bangladesh, 17 Uttara, Dhaka 1230


Linear search is the essential search algorithm used in fact structures. If is likewise called sequential search. Linear search used to discover a specific detail in an array. It is today no longer obligatory to display an array in any order (Ascending or Descending) as in the case of binary search. Linear search initiates advanced with the support of using sequentially scanning the influences within the array and if the detail has been found, if will display the unique detail and the index value of that detail in that array. In this paper we contemporary a unique searching algorithm of modified Linear Search, which is an improved form of linear search algorithm and its created by likening the influences from each termination. We have additionally in comparison the new Linear search set of rules with Linear Search Algorithm. We used a system for implementation and Analysis of time taken with the aid of using each the algorithms. Result shows that Two Way Searching Algorithm is working glowing for all comments standards and it takes lesser time if the detail to be search is after the middle of the array, otherwise it takes same time as if of linear search. Remaining primarily based totally on the linear search and binary search algorithms; one algorithm designed to act on connected linear list.

February 14, 2022
Online ISSN