Online Examination Management System Using Java
Background: Examination Management System is a software developed for the students who give exams in colleges and institutes. It facilitates to access the examination information of a particular student in a particular class. The information is sorted by the operators, which will be provided by the teacher for a particular class. This system will also help in evaluating examination eligibility criteria of a student.
Objective: [1] Online examination will reduce the hectic job of assessing the answers given by the candidates manually,[2] Being an integrated online examination system it will reduce paper work, [3] To allow automatic grading and manual grading which can be recorded per test.
Methodology: Main methodology activities held during the research is acquiring information and knowledge about online examination system through reading books, and researches that were previously done in related area. All the research materials were obtained over the internet, Wikipedia and other websites.
Result & Discussion: The students results for the MCQ are shown at the moment but we have the options of subjective type questions which are needed as at the moment. We don’t have such technology which can evaluate the subjective type question precisely as every student has their own way of writing the question so it is difficult for the system. We have of the option of making a system where one can evaluate all the given answers on an online portal without the involvement of pen and paper.
Future work: Developments in software technology are continuing dynamically. This has forced developers to look for new approaches to design and development. In order to face this situation, the modules in a package should be upgraded any time.

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