Online Crime File Management System Using Php Mysql
Background: The project is about filling an online complaint against any crime in case of victim or witnessed by the user. The system provides the best possible accessibility for the system so that a user can should not have an interrupt in accessibility of the system [1]. The system reduces the manual efforts provided whenever a victim goes for registering his complaint. Also, each user first makes their login to sever to show their availability. [2] The aim of this system is to provide a complete access to the user so that he can track the complaint.
Objectives: This project requires you to build a fully functional application that: Allows the users to sign up and create an account. Show localities to choose from in a city. Showcases notifications, news, bullet points on various announcements for that locality with multimedia content.
Methodology: USERS has the permission to add complaint, crime report, missing person details, edit account, see complaint status and send mail to Admin [3]. Admin has the permission to see users, block users, see user complaints, crimes & reply.
Results and discussion: It also enables the residents of a locality to keep themselves safe and sound. This system allows users to sign up and enter a complaint or register a grievance with multimedia content.
Conclusions and future work: It is about filling an online complaint against any crime in case of Victim or witnessed by the user. The System Provides easiest and fastest way to register. The user to use it effectively and efficiently.

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