Disposable Face Masks: Analysis of the Release of Synthetic Micro and Nano Particles and Chemical Contaminants – Linked to the COVID-19 Pandemic


Sarper Sarp
SPEC, College of Engineering, Swansea University, SA28PP, UK.


With the increase on the manufacturing and use of disposable face mask (DPFs) due to the COVID- 19 pandemic, the inappropriate and unregulated disposal of these items is a concerning cause of the intensification of plastic as an environmental problem nowadays. This study focuses on the emission of different contaminants from 7 DPFs brands (a total of 9 batches) that were immersed in deionized water in order to emulate environmental conditions once these DPFs are discarded and released into the environment. 7 different brands of DPFs (a total of 9 batches) were purchased from several manufacturers and suppliers and pollutants were filtered and deposited in membranes.

October 25, 2021