Design of Driver Alcohol Detection System with Automatic Engine Locking
Drunken Driving is one of the most fatal causes of premature deaths around the world. According to WHO, about 20% of the fatally injured drivers have excess alcohol in their blood in high income countries whereas the figures may be as high as 69% in low and middle income countries. In India alone, there have been 38,000 road mishaps due to drunk driving in the past three years according to the latest report of Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. The objective of this paper is to make human driving safer and overcome such incidences. The present paper describes the process of detection of alcohol in sample breath testing, developed using Arduino and Arduino Integrated Design Environment (IDE). The system will sense the alcohol concentration in breath and control the switching of ignition engine according to the data it receives. Also, it allows the driver a delay time in case the breath is detected after the vehicle has started to avoid traffic mismanagement. Finally, it will send an SMS alert to his/her relatives/close friends to alert them of possible drunken driving incident and prevent it.

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