IoT Based Automation and Blockchain for Medical Drug Storage and Smart Drug Store
The increase in the work stress and decrease in the time for oneself has led to the rise in the dependency on the medicines and drugs. The drugs and medicines are the key sources for saving the human life when the patient is in the danger. In order to maintain regular and quality supply of the drugs and medicines has to monitor on the regular basis. There are numerous medicines and drugs brought in the store but usually drugs and medicines are stolen to satisfy one’s greed, get expired or placed at unknown locations in the store. So to prevent such situation and saving the life of the patient Drug and Medicine Monitoring Model can be used. The model uses the RFID and IoT technology in order to monitor the drugs and medicines in the store. In medical and drug using systems which are increasing work stress and decreasing the time for oneself that has risen in dependency. The danger situation drugs and medicine is the main source for saving human life when the people are in danger. A daily regular basis to maintain a quality supply of the drug and medicine has been monitored. While traveling and transportation time is numerous medicines and drugs brought from the store but usually it is stolen to one’s greed and the medicines and drugs or placed at unknown locations. To prevent and save a patent life and monitoring model can be used to check the medicine and drug. In our model RFID tag and IoT technology can be used to monitor medicine and drug storage with the help of hospitals and how having a knowledge of the system and chemist of the medical and drugs available, the medicines and drugs quality of location and their safety.

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