A Review on Studies Based on Vehicle Stability and Safety on Rural Horizontal Curves
All over the world India bangs the top most position in crash deaths. Nearly 1.2 lakh people die every year on Indian roads. Crashes involving rolloverand lateral skidding are now responsible for almost 1/3 of all highway vehicle occupant fatalities. So, rollovers and skidding are more serious than other types of crashes. One of the major reasons for such incidents is vehicle instability at curves due to its inconsistent geometric design. This necessitates a review on current design guidelines followed in India. Many researchers have pointed out drawbacks of current design approach and a few have identified various influential factors which are significant in curve design to reduce rollover and lateral skidding. When some researchers conducted field studies to measure vehicle stability at selected curves, some carried out computer simulations. There are efforts to incorporate vehicular characteristics in curve design which is much appreciable. This paper aims to project efforts made by researchers to reduce vehicle instability at horizontal curves. Moreover, gaps in these research works and scope for further research are highlighted.
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