Safety Impact Analysis of Lane Conversion on Selected Highway Corridor


Swathy P Mohan
Jyothi Engineering College, Department of Civil Engineering, Thrissur, Kerala, India
Archana S
Jyothi Engineering College, Department of Civil Engineering, Thrissur, Kerala, India
Ebin Sam S
National Transportation Planning and Research Center, Traffic Safety Division, Trivandrum, Kerala


The safety impact analysis of a widened corridor stretch of NH 66 was carried out in this study. A before and after black spot analysis was conducted using Arc Map 10.6 to identify significant hotspots using spatial joining and Getis Ord analysis. Two Poisson regression models were formulated for the weighted sum of fatal and grievous accidents for both pre lane widening as well as post lane widening conditions. The weighted sum of accidents showed a significant relationship with AADT value and black spot segment length in both models. It was found that 40-50 % reduction of crashes due to the lane conversion was estimated at a selected AADT range.

April 11, 2021
Online ISSN