Synthesis of silver nano particles from Ipomoea quamoclit


Calmly M Koshy
Department of genetic engineering, SRM institute of Science and Technology, Potheri, SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur, Tamil Nadu
Anbu Malarmathi
Department of Biotechnology, Stella Maris College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu


The use of plants for the synthesis of nanoparticles is novel and provides a cost effective and environmentally friendly alternative to chemical and physical synthesis. Ipomoea quamoclit is a rarely studied medicinal plant, which is most commonly found plant through the tropics in and around of the living area from northern South America to Mexico. They are used as folk medicine around the world for various illnesses. They are used for the treatment of physical weakness, abnormal behaviour, sinking of voice, bleeding from cuts and wounds, piles etc. and they are also used as purgative. Leaves are also used as poultices for bleeding haemorrhoids. Plant found its significant use in Siddha medicine where the decoction of leaves and stems are used to treat fever, diabetes and in Thailand, it is used for snake bites and bloody cough. Silver nano particles was synthesized using Ipomoea quamoclit leaf extract. Silver nanoparticles are of great interest because of the unique (e.g., size and shape depending optical, electrical, and magnetic properties) which can be incorporated into antimicrobial applications, biosensor materials, composite fibers, cryogenic superconducting materials, cosmetic products and electronic components.

March 16, 2021