Changes to Surgical Procedure in COVID-Positive and Suspected Patients


Joshua Clayton
Swansea University


The last few days have seen the dissemination of the infection disease known as COVID-19, with confirmed cases climbing daily. Having spread rapidly to all corners of the globe this virus can lead to respiratory distress and even failure (1). Despite being unprepared for an outbreak of this magnitude, healthcare professionals have been quick to implement a series of measure to reduce infection rates (2).  Due to the changes in normal operating procedure during this trying time, a number of surgical specialties have laid out a series of guidelines regarding changes in elective operating procedures. As such the European journal of Trauma and emergency medicine (3) have produced a series of recommendations for preparing staff for operating in the current climate. These recommendations have been subdivided into 8 sections:

1) General recommendations.
2) Operating on COVID positive patients.
3) Operating theatre set up.
4) The transport of COVID positive patients.
5) Surgical staff preparation, including the use of personal protective equipment.

6) Considerations taken into account with regards to the anaesthesia used.
7) Surgical approach.
8) Case completion and post-operative care.

Today’s clinicians will be leading the way within the pandemic. With everyday life being drastically changed we must maintain the standards that are expected for patients and uphold safety standards staff require. Due the unprecedented times we have been forced to learn from our experiences and others, ensuring that we limit the speed and maximise our ability to treat patients with COVID-19.

December 30, 2020