Effects of Magnetic Field and Heat Generation on Heat Transfer in Peristaltic Flow of Non-Newtonian Fluid in a Porous Channel
In the present study, we have discussed the heat transfer in peristaltic flow of non-Newtonian fluid in a porous asymmetric channel under the influence of magnetic field. The heat source term has been considered in this model which simulates heat generation. The governing equations of momentum and energy are simplified using long wave length and low Reynolds number approximation. The reduced equations have been solved numerically. Analytic solutions for stream function, velocity, temperature, pressure gradient and heat transfer coefficient are also obtained. The effects of various parameters are illustrated graphically and discussed from the physical point of view. The numerical results of heat transfer coefficient are also presented in tabular form and found to be in good agreement with previously published results. The trapping incident is also discussed here. It is noted that the size of the trapped bolus reduces for large value of Magnetic field parameter while opposite behavior is seen for permeability parameter.

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