Chapter 3: Experimental Procedure


Hesham Mahmoud Hamed Mohammed
Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Al-Azhar University, Assiut Branch, Egypt


In this chapter, we describe the experimental procedure in the steps of Samples collection, Preparation of samples, Radiometry Analysis, Mechanical (Granulometric) Analysis, Geochemical Analysis, Instrumentation, Activity Measurements and Measuring of gamma-ray spectra of powdered samples. Also, we will describe the instruments which we use in our study like Golden Software Surfer (V.8), Geographical Position System GPS (Magellan), Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS) using GBC–932ver.1.1with detection limits of 0.01 ppm and sodium iodide detector 3×3 inch (NaI (Tl) model (802) with a 2048 multichannel analyzer (MCA).

June 30, 2018